Inspiring workshops and working with us

19th December 2022

As theatre makers and practitioners, we believe it to be very important to continue learning and building on our knowledge so that we can be the best that we can in our industry.

It is also just as important for us to keep sharing and imparting our skills and expertise to others within theatre to spark creativity and kick start opportunities.

At The Play’s The Thing Theatre Company, we do this through a range of services, training sessions and workshops, which are requested by businesses, schools, executives, professionals, teachers and actors.

We work with highly regarded practitioners who have vast experience and knowledge covering many areas and skills. We are renowned for the quality of our training, our master classes and workshops, for which we are extremely proud.

Most recently our Artistic Director, Rosemary Hill, visited University of Bedfordshire (Luton Campus) to work with make-up students as part of their degree course.

The aim was to give the four students an insight into how a theatre director works, how make-up artists might be briefed to create make up designs for a production and more.

Rosemary showed them many examples of her work with the fantastically talented Jenny Buckland who has worked with Rosemary in over twenty five productions to inspire them. - from modern pieces to period plays and more fantastical makeups.

The students were tasked by Rosemary to design make-up for characters in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and concentrate on Titania, Oberon, Puck and the Fairies. The students each chose Titania.

They worked on each other and so we have two students working on another two and finally two designs. It was wonderful for Rosemary to see their creativity and curiosity come out and watch them exploring ideas and trying new techniques.

By using pastel coloured make-up, plus glitter and face jewels, they were able to create their own beautiful versions of the Queen of the Fairies.

Once they had finished, Rosemary was able to show the students how their work looked under lights in the theatre space at the university. They were all very impressed with the outcome.

You can see by the photographs how well they completed the task that was given to them.

Rosemary said: “I was very impressed with the students. They were very keen to learn and asked some very interesting questions. I liked how they took the challenge seriously, but still had fun with it.

“I enjoy working with the next generation of theatre makers as they can be incredibly creative and inspiring. I love watching them working together and coming out with fresh, new ideas. It’s a wonderful thing to witness.”

In addition to the make-up workshop, we also host a variety of inspiring training with our skilled practitioners, actors and facilitators. We have a network of individuals who have a variety of skills and backgrounds and can offer practical advice based on real experience.

Our training includes:

Professional training, which includes acting courses, stage combat, audition techniques, playwriting and more.

Business courses and role play, which involves public speaking and creative thinking.

Teacher training, which is run by Rosemary who has vast experience of making teacher training materials for the BBC, Open University, National College For School Leadership and The Department for Education. She teaches elements that include creative thinking for teachers, using drama in the classroom and how to be an effective director.

School Workshops We can tailor our workshops on all set texts whether for GCSE, AS or A2 Level. We also offer workshops on all the major practitioners, such as Stanislavski, Brecht, Grotowski and others.

We have a full and exciting offering at The Play’s The Thing and we would be very interested in working with you.

We enjoy sharing our knowledge and we are extremely passionate about engaging with people of all ages to empower them to find their niche within our brilliant industry and be continually inspired.

If you would be interested in working with us or you would like to find out more...
please contact us on 01908 561 627 or email us